Cloud computing

·        Cloud computing is a technology that uses the internet and central remote servers to maintain data and applications. Cloud computing allows consumers and businesses to use applications without installation and access their personal files at any computer with internet access.
·        This technology allows for much more efficient computing by centralizing storage, memory, processing and bandwidth.
·        Cloud computing is Internet- ("CLOUD-") based development and use of computer technology ("COMPUTING")
·        A simple example of cloud computing is Yahoo email, Gmail, or Hotmail etc. You don’t need software or a server to use them. All a consumer would need is just an internet connection and you can start sending emails. The server and email management software is all on the cloud (internet) and is totally managed by the cloud service provider Yahoo, Google etc. The consumer gets to use the software alone and enjoy the benefits. The analogy is, 'If you need milk, would you buy a cow?' All the users or consumers need is to get the benefits of using the software or hardware of the computer like sending emails etc. Just to get this benefit (milk) why should a consumer buy a (cow) software /hardware?
·        These cloud applications use large data centres and powerful servers that host Web
·        Applications and Web services: Anyone with a suitable Internet connection and a standard browser can access a cloud Application.
Description: CloudComputingBasics[1]
The Cloud is a metaphor for the Internet, derived from its common depiction in network diagrams (or more generally components which are managed by others) as a cloud outline. The underlying concept dates back to 1960 when John McCarthy opined that "computation may someday be organized as a public utility" (indeed it shares characteristics with service bureaus which date back to the 1960s) and the term The Cloud was already in commercial use around the turn of the 21st century. Cloud computing solutions had started to appear on the market, though most of the focus at this time was on Software as a service.
The Cloud is a term with a long history in telephony, which has in the past decade, been adopted as a metaphor for internet based services, with a common depiction in network diagrams as a cloud outline. The underlying concept dates back to 1960 when John McCarthy opined that "computation may someday be organized as a public utility"; indeed it shares characteristics with service bureaus which date back to the 1960s. The term cloud had already come into commercial use in the early 1990s to refer to large ATM networks.
 By the turn of the 21st century, the term "cloud computing" had started to appear, although most of the focus at this time was on Software as a service (SaaS).In 1999, was established by Marc Benioff, Parker Harris, and his fellows. They applied many technologies of consumer web sites like Google and
Yahoo! to business applications. They also provided the concept of "On demand" and "SaaS" with their real business and successful customers. The key for SaaS is being customizable by customer alone or with a small amount of help. Flexibility and speed for application development have been drastically welcomed and accepted by business users. IBM extended these concepts in 2001, as detailed in the Autonomic Computing Manifesto -- which described advanced automation techniques such as self-monitoring, self-healing, self-configuring, and self-optimizing in the management of complex IT systems with heterogeneous storage, servers, applications, networks, security mechanisms, and other system elements that can be virtualized across an played a key role in the development of cloud computing by modernizing their data centers after the dot-com bubble and, having found that the new cloud architecture resulted in significant internal efficiency improvements, providing access to their systems by way of Amazon Web Services in 2005 on a utility computing basis.2007 saw increased activity, including Goggle, IBM and a number of universities embarking on a large scale cloud computing research project, around the time the term started gaining popularity in the mainstream press.

Cloud computing is broken down into three segments:
(1) Application
(2) Storage and
(3) Connectivity
Each segment serves a different purpose and offers different products for businesses and individuals around the world. In June 2011, a study conducted by Version One found that 91% of senior IT professionals actually don't know what cloud computing is and two-thirds of senior finance professionals are clear by the concept, highlighting the young nature of the technology. In Sept 2011, an Aberdeen Group study found that disciplined companies achieved on average of 68% increase in their IT expense because cloud computing and only a 10% reduction in data centre power costs.

At the present time of modern world, you don’t need to carry large amounts of documents with you during traveling from town to town or country to country, because a lot of cloud computing companies are available to serve you. Cloud computing is one kind of web-based storage that permits you to store numerous information from everywhere. You only you need to have an internet connection, and a subscription from any of the cloud computing companies.
Now a days, online business is expanding day by day. Many people show eagerness to earn extra money through online business. They need to communicate with their large amount of target audiences. They have to share their business policy with clients. They have to set several meetings with their partners also. If they have no cloud computing system, they will have to face a lot of problems in carrying the documents. But now with the help of cloud computing companies you don’t need to carry these documents with you.
Description: Cloud Computing Companies
Really, cloud computing providers have provided many opportunities in business or online business. Now, you are able to access any kind of information from anywhere. It is very simple to maintain and store the information with a simple click of mouse. If you want to communicate with your clients, you will be able to access information easily and simply through cloud computing. By using the cloud computing services you can enjoy a flexible operation in your business or business related jobs from anywhere along with anytime.
But you have to check that what are the best cloud computing companies? You can check their reputation and trust worthiness. To know the reputation and trustworthiness of a cloud computing company, you can try to consult with former clients and partners of that company. You can check their service level agreements. From their speediness of working, you can know the support commitment. If there is a good combination between commitment and services, you can prefer them as best. Apart from this, you can to see the support department. You can check the suitability for performing well. If it is not suitable for your company, you should not hire it. A good cloud computing company will ensure the best protection. If any company offers sound as well as safe infrastructure, you can think it to rent for your u se.
After choosing the best cloud computing services, you can enjoy the facility using a tablet computer, laptop, a Smartphone, and so on to access the critical business information from anywhere and anytime.

Cloud architecture, the systems architecture of the software systems involved in the delivery of cloud computing, comprises hardware and software designed by a cloud architect who typically works for a cloud integrator. It typically involves multiple cloud components communicating with each other over application programming interfaces, usually web services.
This closely resembles the UNIX philosophy of having multiple programs doing one thing well and working together over universal interfaces. Complexity is controlled and the resulting systems are more manageable than their monolithic counterparts.
Cloud architecture extends to the client, where web browsers and/or software applications access cloud applications.
Cloud storage architecture is loosely coupled, where metadata operations are centralized enabling the data nodes to scale into the hundreds, each independently delivering data to applications or user.
The cloud computing is driving in two types of categories .They are as follows:
(1) Customer perspective
(2) Vendor perspective
Ø In one word: economics
Ø Faster, simpler, cheaper to use cloud computation.
Ø No upfront capital required for servers and storage.
Ø No ongoing for operational expenses for running datacenter.
Ø Application can be run from anywhere.
Ø Easier for application vendors to reach new customers.
Ø Lowest cost way of delivering and supporting applications.
Ø Ability to use commodity server and storage hardware.
Ø Ability to drive down data center operational cots.
Ø Computer hardware (Dell, HP, IBM, Sun Microsystems)
o   Storage (Sun Microsystems, EMC, IBM)
o   Infrastructure (Cisco Systems)
Ø Computer software (3tera, Hadoop, IBM, RightScale)
o   Operating systems (Solaris, AIX, Linux including Red Hat)
o   Platform virtualization (Citrix, Microsoft, VMware, Sun xVM, IBM).

Cloud computing Components

Facebook · Google Apps · SalesForce · Microsoft Online

Browser(Chrome) · Firefox · Cloud · Mobile (Android · iPhone) · Netbook (EeePC · MSI Wind) · Nettop (CherryPal · Zonbu)

BitTorrent  · EC2 · GoGrid · Sun Grid · 3tera

App Engine · Azure · Mosso · SalesForce

Alexa · FPS · MTurk · SQS

S3 · SimpleDB · SQL Services

Ajax · Atom · HTML 5 · REST


These services are broadly divided into three categories:

v Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 

v Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)                    

v Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

Description: C:\Users\Raju\Desktop\cloud.png


Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) like Amazon Web Services provides virtual servers
with  unique IP addresses and blocks of storage on demand. Customers benefit from an
 API from which they can control their servers. Because customers can pay for exactly
the amount of service they use, like for electricity or water, this service is also called
utility computing.


Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) is a set of software and development tools hosted on the
provider's servers. Developers can create applications using the provider's APIs.
Google Apps is one of the most famous Platform-as-a-Service providers. Developers
 should take notice that there aren't any interoperability standards (yet), so some
providers may not allow you to take your application and put it on another platform.


Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is the broadest market. In this case the provider allows the Customer only to use its applications. The software  interacts with the user through a user interface. These applications can be anything  from web based email, to applications like Twitter.



Public cloud or external cloud describes cloud computing in the traditional mainstream
sense, Where by resources are dynamically provisioned on a fine-grained, self-service
 basis over the Internet, via web applications/web services, from an off-site third-party
provider who shares resources and bills on a fine-grained utility computing basis.


A hybrid cloud environment consisting of multiple internal and/or external providers
"will be typical for most enterprises". A hybrid cloud can describe configuration
combining a local device, such as a Plug computer with cloud services. It can also
describe configurations combining virtual and physical, collocated assets—for
example, a mostly virtualized environment that requires physical servers, routers, or
 other hardware such as a network appliance acting as a firewall or spam filter.


Private cloud and internal cloud are neologisms that some vendors have recently used
 to describe offerings that emulate cloud computing on private networks. These
(typically virtualization automation) products claim to "deliver some benefits of cloud
computing without the pitfalls", capitalizing on data security, corporate governance,
 and reliability concerns. They have been criticized on the basis that users "still have to
 buy, build, and manage them" and as such do not benefit from lower up-front capital
costs and less hands-on management, essentially "[lacking] the economic model that
 makes cloud computing such an intriguing concept".
While an analyst predicted in 2008 that private cloud networks would be the future of
corporate IT, there is some uncertainty whether they are a reality even within the same
firm. Analysts also claim that within five years a "huge percentage" of small and
medium enterprises will get most of their computing resources from external cloud
computing providers as they "will not have economies of scale to make it worth staying
in the IT business" or be able to afford private clouds.
Analysts have reported on Platform's view that private clouds are a stepping stone to
external clouds, particularly for the financial services, and that future datacenters will
look like internal clouds. The term has also been used in the logical rather than physical
sense, for example in reference to platform as a service offerings, though such offerings
 including Microsoft's  Azure Services Platform are not available for on-premises

Supercomputers today are used mainly by the military, government intelligence
agencies, universities and research labs, and large companies to tackle enormously
complex calculations for such tasks as simulating nuclear explosions, predicting climate
 change, designing airplanes, and analyzing which proteins in the body are likely to
 bind with potential new drugs. Cloud computing aims to apply that kind of power—
measured in the tens of trillions of computations per second—to problems like
analyzing risk in financial portfolios, delivering personalized medical information,
even powering immersive computer games, in a way that users can tap through the
Web. It does that by networking large groups of servers that often use low-cost
consumer PC technology, with specialized connections to spread data-processing
chores across them. By contrast, the newest and most powerful desktop PCs process
only about 3 billion computations a second. Let's say you're an executive at a large
corporation. Your particular responsibilities include making sure that all of your
employees have the right hardware and software they need to do their jobs. Buying
 computers for everyone isn't enough -- you also have to purchase software or software
 licenses to give employees the tools they require. Whenever you have a new hire,
you have to buy more software or make sure your current software license allows
another user. It's so stressful that you find it difficult to go.
cloud computing illustration 

Soon, there may be an alternative for executives like you. Instead of installing a suite of
software for each computer, you'd only have to load one application. That application
would allow workers to log into a Web-based service which hosts all the programs the
user would need for his or her job. Remote machines owned by another company
would run everything from  e-mail to word processing to complex data analysis
programs. It's called cloud computing, and it could change the entire computer
 industry. In a cloud computing system, there's a significant workload shift. Local
computers no longer have to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to running
applications. The network of computers that make up the cloud handles them instead.
 Hardware and software demands on the user's side decrease. The only thing the user's
computer needs to be able to run is the cloud computing system's interface software,
which can be as simple as a Web browser, and the cloud's network takes care of the rest.
There's a good chance you've already used some form of cloud computing. If you have
 an e-mail account with a Web-based e-mail service like Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail or
Gmail, then you've had some experience with cloud computing. Instead of running an
e-mail program on your computer, you log in to a Web e-mail account remotely. The
software and storage for your account doesn't exist on your computer -- it's on the
service's computer cloud.



Reduced Data Leakage: this is the benefit I hear most from Cloud providers – and in my view they are right. How many laptops do we need to lose before we get this? How many backup tapes? The data “landmines” of today could be greatly reduced by the Cloud as thin client technology becomes prevalent. Small, temporary caches on handheld devices or Netbook computers pose less risk than transporting data buckets in the form of laptops. Ask the CISO of any large company if all laptops have company ‘mandated’ controls consistently applied; e.g. full disk encryption. You’ll see the answer by looking at the whites of their eyes. Despite best efforts around asset management and endpoint security we continue to see embarrassing and disturbing misses. What about SMB’s? How many use encryption for sensitive data, or even have a data classification policy in place?
Monitoring benefits: central storage is easier to control and monitor. The flipside is the nightmare scenario of comprehensive data theft. However, I would rather spend my time as a security professional figuring out smart ways to protect and monitor access to data stored in one place (with the benefit of situational advantage) than trying to figure out all the places where the company data resides across a myriad of thick clients! You can get the benefits of Thin Clients today but Cloud Storage provides a way to centralize the data faster and potentially cheaper. The logistical challenge today is getting Terabytes of data to the Cloud in the first place.


Forensic readiness:- with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers, I can build a dedicated forensic server in the same Cloud as my company and place it offline, ready for use when needed. I would only need pay for storage until an incident happens and I need to bring it online. I don’t need to call someone to bring it online or install some kind of remote boot software - I just click a button in the Cloud Providers web interface. If I have multiple incident responders, I can give them a copy of the VM so we can distribute the forensic workload based on the job at hand or as new sources of evidence arise and need analysis. To fully realize this benefit, commercial forensic software vendors would need to move away from archaic, physical dongle based licensing schemes to a network licensing model.
Decrease evidence acquisition time:- if a server in the Cloud gets compromised (i.e. broken into), I can now clone that server at the click of a mouse and make the cloned disks instantly available to my Cloud Forensics server. I didn’t need to “find” storage or have it “ready, waiting and unused” - it’s just there.
Eliminate or reduce service downtime:- Note that in the above scenario I didn’t have to go tell the COO that the system needs to be taken offline for hours whilst I dig around in the RAID Array hoping that my physical acquisition toolkit is compatible (and that the version of RAID firmware isn’t supported by my forensic software). Abstracting the hardware removes a barrier to even doing forensics in some situations.
Decrease evidence transfer time: In the same Cloud, bit foot bit copies are super fast - made faster by that replicated, distributed file system my Cloud provider engineered for me. From a network traffic perspective, it may even be free to make the copy in the same Cloud. Without the Cloud, I would have to a lot of time consuming and expensive provisioning of physical devices. I only pay for the storage as long as I need the evidence.
Eliminate forensic image verification time: Some Cloud Storage implementations expose a cryptographic checksum or hash. For example, Amazon S3 generates an MD5 hash automatically when you store an object. In theory you no longer need to generate time-consuming MD5 checksums using external tools - it’s already there.
Decrease time to access protected documents: Immense CPU power opens some doors. Did the suspect password protect a document that is relevant to the investigation? You can now test a wider range of candidate passwords in less time to speed investigations.


  • Decrease password cracking time: if your organization regularly tests password strength by running password crackers you can use Cloud Compute to decrease crack time and you only pay for what you use. Ironically, your cracking costs go up as people choose better passwords ;-).
  • Keep cracking activities to dedicated machines: if today you use a distributed password cracker to spread the load across non-production machines, you can now put those agents in dedicated Compute instances - and thus stop mixing sensitive credentials with other workloads.


·         “Unlimited”, pay per drink storage: logging is often an afterthought, consequently insufficient disk space is allocated and logging is either non-existant or minimal. Cloud Storage changes all this - no more ‘guessing’ how much storage you need for standard logs.
·         Improve log indexing and search: with your logs in the Cloud you can leverage Cloud Compute to index those logs in real-time and get the benefit of instant search results. What is different here? The Compute instances can be plumbed in and scale as needed based on the logging load - meaning a true real-time view.
·         Getting compliant with Extended logging: most modern operating systems offer extended logging in the form of a C2 audit trail. This is rarely enabled for fear of performance degradation and log size. Now you can ‘opt-in’ easily - if you are willing to pay for the enhanced logging, you can do so. Granular logging makes compliance and investigations easier.


  • Drive vendors to create more efficient security software: Billable CPU cycles get noticed. More attention will be paid to inefficient processes; e.g. poorly tuned security agents. Process accounting will make a comeback as customers target ‘expensive’ processes. Security vendors that understand how to squeeze the most performance from their software will win.



  • Pre-hardened, change control builds: this is primarily a benefit of virtualization based Cloud Computing. Now you get a chance to start ’secure’ (by your own definition) - you create your Gold Image VM and clone away. There are ways to do this today with bare-metal OS installs but frequently these require additional 3rd party tools, are time consuming to clone or add yet another agent to each endpoint.
  • Reduce exposure through patching offline: Gold images can be kept up securely kept up to date. Offline VMs can be conveniently patched “off” the network.
  • Easier to test impact of security changes: this is a big one. Spin up a copy of your production environment, implement a security change and test the impact at low cost, with minimal startup time. This is a big deal and removes a major barrier to ‘doing’ security in production environments.


  • Reduce cost of testing security: a SaaS provider only passes on a portion of their security testing costs. By sharing the same application as a service, you don’t foot the expensive security code review and/or penetration test. Even with Platform as a Service (PaaS) where your developers get to write code, there are potential cost economies of scale (particularly around use of code scanning tools that sweep source code for security weaknesses).

Adoption Fears And Strategic Innovation Opportunities:-

Security: Many IT executives make decisions based on the perceived security risk instead of the real security risk. IT has traditionally feared the loss of control for SaaS deployments based on an assumption that if you cannot control something it must be unsecured. I recall the anxiety about the web services deployment where people got really worked up on the security of web services because the users could invoke an internal business process from outside of a firewall.
The IT will have to get used to the idea of software being delivered outside from a firewall that gets meshed up with on-premise software before it reaches the end user. The intranet, extranet, DMZ, and the internet boundaries have started to blur and this indeed imposes some serious security challenges such as relying on a cloud vendor for the physical and logical security of the data, authenticating users across firewalls by relying on vendor's authentication schemes etc., but assuming challenges as fears is not a smart strategy.

Latency: Just because something runs on a cloud it does not mean it has latency. My opinion is quite the opposite. The cloud computing if done properly has opportunities to reduce latency based on its architectural advantages such as massively parallel processing capabilities and distributed computing. The web-based applications in early days went through the same perception issues and now people don't worry about latency while shopping at or editing a document on Google docs served to them over a cloud. The cloud is going to get better and better and the IT has no strategic advantages to own and maintain the data centers. In fact the data centers are easy to shut down but the applications are not and the CIOs should take any and all opportunities that they get to move the data centers away if they can.

SLA: Recent Amazon EC2 meltdown and RIM's network outage created a debate around the availability of a highly centralized infrastructure and their SLAs. The real problem is not a bad SLA but lack of one. The IT needs a phone number that they can call in an unexpected event and have an up front estimate about the downtime to manage the expectations. May be I am simplifying it too much but this is the crux of the situation. The fear is not so much about 24x7 availability since an on-premise system hardly promises that but what bothers IT the most is inability to quantify the impact on business in an event of non-availability of a system and set and manage expectations upstream and downstream. The non-existent SLA is a real issue and I believe there is a great service innovation opportunity for ISVs and partners to help CIOs with the adoption of the cloud computing by providing a rock solid SLA and transparency into the defect resolution process.

Strategic innovation opportunities
Seamless infrastructure virtualization:

If you have ever attempted to connect to Second Life behind the firewall you would know that it requires punching few holes into the firewall to let certain unique transports pass through and that's not a viable option in many cases. This is an intra-infrastructure communication challenge. I am glad to see IBM's attempt to create a virtual cloud inside firewall to deploy some of the regions of the Second Life with seamless navigation in and out of the firewall. This is a great example of a single sign on that extends beyond the network and hardware virtualization to form infrastructure virtualization with seamless security.

Hybrid systems: The IBM example also illustrates the potential of a hybrid system that combines an on-premise system with remote infrastructure to support seamless cloud computing. This could be a great start for many organizations that are on the bottom of the S curve of cloud computing adoption. Organizations should consider pushing non-critical applications on a cloud with loose integration with on-premise systems to begin the cloud computing journey and as the cloud infrastructure matures and some concerns are alleviated IT could consider pushing more and more applications on the cloud. Google App Engine for cloud computing is a good example to start creating applications on-premise that can eventually run on Google's cloud and Amazon's AMI is expanding day-by-day to allow people to push their applications on Amazon's cloud. Here is a quick comparison of Google and Amazon in their cloud computing efforts. Electra’s  solution to deploy Enterprise DB on the cloud is also a good example of how organizations can outsource IT on the cloud.

BENEFITS: Cloud computing infrastructures can allow enterprises to achieve more efficient use of their IT Hardware and software investments. They do this by breaking down the physical inherent in isolated systems, and automating the management of the group of systems as a single entity. Cloud computing is an example of an ultimately virtualized system, and a natural evolution for Data centers that employ automated systems management, workload balancing, and virtualization technologies. A cloud infrastructure can be a cost efficient model for delivering information services.


Nowadays, cloud computing service is one kind of cost-saving technique offered by the cloud computing companies. It is mainly helpful to store files online. A lot of business companies don’t know the use of brilliant cloud computing technique and they have no cost saving technique in their hands. Cloud computing is the excellent way to save the money in any business policy and best medium to focus the objectives of the company. Mainly, cloud computing is one kind of model to use storage space online. Many data storage modes are available now but all of them don’t allow to you to use more space. When you need to use more space online, you have to pay additional fee for it. But some cloud computing companies allow using enough storage space for anyone. There is no need to pay extra fee; only you have to pay for used space that is allowed to you. Thus, clouding computing services eliminating the problem by allowing more storage space on various sites and it can be used by several users. A lot of cloud computing companies are offering this service. For small software company embracing cloud computing will be best.
Description: Cloud Computing Market
However, cloud computing is the effective way to minimize the cost as well as to maximize the efficiency of a company. This service reduces the cost in several ways and it is most economical than any fixed size storage mode. On the other hand, if there is cloud computing service in your company, you don’t need to pay additional money to your technical workers needed to keep an eye on services in the fixed space. By adopting this service in your company you can minimize the compulsion of centralizing the storage. Really, cloud computing service acts as a feasible option for saving cost for any Software as a Service (SaaS) companies.
This service is more flexible in increasing and decreasing usages offered by the cloud computing companies. Whatever the reason, cloud computing is considered as a new and brilliant architecture. It is really amazing service in IT sector. Numerous cloud computing companies are available to provide this service. If you want to use this service for your company, you can get it online but you have to pay a small amount. This payment may be monthly or so on. After all, cloud computing service is becoming excellent system to save extra cost for purchasing additional online space. Thus cloud computing market is growing day by day.

There are a number of cloud computing companies on market now, but it is relatively difficult to choose the best one for your business purpose. Who is excellent cloud provider it is very important to know because it will be handy to fulfill your requirements. At the time of researching, you should check the criteria of that cloud provider. Here are some basic requirements for identifying the excellent and popular cloud computing providers below:
Reputation and Reliability:-Reputation and reliability of cloud computing companies will be essential to know its excellence. To understand the reputation and reliability it is very important to know how long it has been in industry. It is also very important to know the clients as well as partnerships of that cloud computing company. Moreover to know the reputation and reliability it will be better to consult with the partners and clients of that cloud computing provider. By this way reputation and reliability of that company can be measured and evaluated.

While the business runs through a suitable cloud environment, then it can be considered the existing cloud computing company is exact for your business. If there is no-obligation for free trail offered by a company, it will be taken in account as more suitable for you. Thus you can know the suitability of a company to run the business in a suitable cloud environment and how the company works before making an enduring commitment.Description: Cloud Computing Companies

Safety of the Cloud:-If the company is excellent, it will ensure the security of the environment including the business process along with system. If the company offers safe and sound infrastructure at different levels, it will be more suitable than other companies. Besides, good cloud computing companies ensures more security of the data center of the business. Finally, it will ensure a safety environment for the business.
A cloud computing provider will be excellent and most popular while aforementioned requirements will be content.

In my view, there are some strong technical security arguments in favors of Cloud Computing - assuming we can find ways to manage the risks. With this new paradigm come challenges and opportunities. The challenges are getting plenty of attention - I’m regularly afforded the opportunity to comment on them, plus obviously I cover them on this blog. However, let’s not lose sight of the potential upside.

Some benefits depend on the Cloud service used and therefore do not apply across the board. For example; I see no solid forensic benefits with SaaS. Also, for space reasons, I’m purposely not including the ‘flip side’ to these benefits, however if you read this blog regularly you should recognize some.
  We believe the Cloud offers Small and Medium Businesses major potential security benefits. Frequently SMBs struggle with limited or non-existent in-house INFOSEC resources and budgets. The caveat is that the Cloud market is still very new - security offerings are somewhat foggy - making selection tricky. Clearly, not all Cloud providers will offer the same security.
§  Increases business responsiveness
§  Accelerates creation of new services via rapid prototyping capabilities
§  Reduces acquisition complexity via service oriented approach
§  Uses IT resources efficiently via sharing and higher system utilization
§  Reduces energy consumption
§  Handles new and emerging workloads
§  Scales to extreme workloads quickly and easily
§  Simplifies IT management Platform for collaboration and innovation
§  Cultivates skills for next generation workforce

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